Our company's commitment to sustainable development
Contact us- Reducing our carbon footprint: As a major player in the connectics sector, we have a duty to apply our excellence to the ecological challenges facing our planet. This is our way of redistributing our wealth and helping to build a better world for future generations. We apply our expertise to the sorting of waste products generated by our activities, in particular chips, and at the same time collecting swarf and lubricants for recycling.
- Commitment at all levels: We believe that our commitment to social responsibility also involves the safety of our employees and that sustainable development is a concern for all.
- Your safety: The health and safety of our employees are paramount to us. We therefore strictly adhere to European and international regulations.
- Everyone's contribution counts: We must all pull in the same direction in order for our sustainable development commitment to succeed. We therefore invite our employees to join this initiative by recycling the waste produced at our production sites in the hope that it will encourage them to do the same in their personal life.
Activities which strictly comply with environmental standards
We believe in producing high-precision contacts without losing sight of our ecological commitment and social responsibility. We are of the opinion that everyone - and in particular successful companies - must commit to the fight against environmental pollution. By manufacturing our own screw machines, we can be certain that their use does not increase our environmental footprint. We endeavour to restrict the number of chemical substances used, as well as limit the amount of lead throughout the production process. We are proud to say that we have been awarded RoHS and REACH certifications.
Our ESG practices encourage ethical and social responsibility
Our ecological policy forms part of our ESG approach:
- Environmental: Whether it's our commitment to reducing the use of chemical substances and lead in our production plants, or collecting and recycling swarf and lubricant, we do everything in our power to reduce our environmental footprint.
- Social: Thanks to our policy of inclusive management as well as valuing cultural, ethical, and professional diversity, we provide a working environment that can be enjoyed by all. This allows our employees to flourish and promotes creativity and efficiency. To support the local economy, we also work with SMEs located near our premises. We ensure transparent communication between all our employees and associates. This includes our client-partners as well our staff.
- Governance: At Lemco Précision SA, our values and policies guide our activities, including corporate governance, ensuring that no partner acts against the interests of the company and its associates. We have therefore implemented a set of procedures and rules protecting our employees while helping them to acquire new skills.